
This is a bigger update where I've made quite a significant change. After some feedback and a recommendation from a player, I've decided to tweak the player movement. The change is that the tongue now has acceleration, meaning that the further it has to go, the faster it starts moving. This should make it so that bigger movements don't leave you vulnerable for so long. The game still feels pretty much exactly the same as it used to apart from the fact that you're not stuck in place for so long anymore with bigger movements. I think it just makes it feel better to play all around. I also like this change because it doesn't affect small movements at all.

These are the other changes in this update:

- Scorpion tail movement now works differently - it also has acceleration! This means that every time it moves a long way, it doesn't take so long, but small movements are about the same. I also made it so that you can't die to a scorpion's tail while it's stunned, which happened sometimes.

- There have been a few minor changes to bees. Firstly, the time between each time they shoot is no longer random. Before now it was a random amount of time bewteen 2 seconds and 3 seconds. Now it's always 2.5 seconds. Secondly, when they spawn in, they only have to wait half this time before shooting for the first time (so 1.25 seconds). Finally, their movement has been tweaked to be slightly more varied. This movement change also applies to queen bees.

- When snails spawn, they briefly move quickly until they're fully on screen, so that you don't accidentally go into them and die when they're only partially visible.

- I also fixed a couple of minor UI bugs.


Ribbit Rampage 19 MB
Sep 21, 2022

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